DCET was my main source of sage advice and support at university and I was able to secure my first post-uni job via the DCET network - so really, my whole career was kickstarted by being a part of DCET - Faye Allison, Operations Manager
DCET has helped me in ways that I never could have never imagined. David's mentorship and proof-reading support built my confidence and helped me find my identity in academia. DCET is special because of the network it gives you that is not always readily available to those of us from working class backgrounds" - Maisie Palmer, MA in Public Policy and Public Administration at Sciences Po, Paris and Columbia University
DCET has provided me with an important network of support and advice, which has filled the gaps where my background has left me unprepared to navigate my education. - Sadia Sheeraz, BSc in International, Social and Public Policy with Politics at London School of Economics
I have been part of DCET for over 10 years and without the mentorship, late night calls and regular check-ins, I would not be the person I am today. DCET has instilled in me a confidence and drive to make the most of the opportunties that come my way. It has allowed me to use my "disadvantaged" background and turn it into my superpower by supporting others who have overcome significant barriers. - Jas Nisic, Freelance Creative
DCET facilitators and other scholars have supported me in many ways especially with advice, proof reading and check-ins which has helped me (and continuing to help me) in decision making and progression in both career and personal growth - Jessica Jackson, Area Manager