The Dick Camplin Education Trust (DCET) was established in 2007 by David Camplin, a retired secondary school deputy headteacher and local authority advisor, and Nigel Hirst, Managing Director of Haden Freeman Ltd, a chemical engineering firm. It provides Scholarships, to the value of £1000 to students from Loreto College, Hulme who have overcome significant barriers to gain a place at University.

 Up to 10 scholarships are awarded each year following competitive application, successful Scholars being selected following interview by senior staff at the college. The Trust also provides additional support on an individual needs basis, and helps with the purchase of appropriate clothing for work.

Apart from financial aid the Trust maintains a close personal contact with Scholars and provides peer mentors, help with essay writing and proof reading, access to a life coach, preparation of CV's and letters of application, the provision of a very few internships - and even early morning calls

Dick Camplin 1919-2004

Characteristics of applicants

  • Come from families with very limited incomes, invariably below £20k
  • Attended schools where, too often, success is seen as something for others
  • They are nearly always the first in their families to gain a place at University - and often the first to have continued in education after the age of 16
  • Are carers for parents and siblings or have been through the care system
  • Many contribute to family incomes, and continue to do so throughout their time at University through casual employment
  • Their achievement is exceptional

Our needs for future stability and growth

  • To date we have provided Scholarships and financial support in excess of £250k whilst administrative costs have been maintained at £600 per annum, this for the financial management of the Trust by The Charity Service
  • Virtually all of our income is raised outside Greater Manchester
  • Our current income is spent entirely on Scholarships, extras are paid for through tax receipts and interest
  • We would like to increase the value of the scholarships to account for inflation and therefore would like to ensure an income of at least £40K for the next 5 years
  • We would further like to extend the provision of internships, so that eventually all DCET Scholars could be offered the opportunity of at least a fortnight's work experience at the end of their second year. We would like to be able to support this with funded payments of £250 per week
  • We would like to be able to provide additional scholarships for those undertaking postgraduate degrees
  • We do not intend to extend the availability of Scholarships to more than 20 students a year so that our intimate relationship can be maintained